Monday, April 23, 2012

Riding Freedom
After a long semester of learning how to conduct a teacher training session on Glogster, I finally have a finished product to show off. Mrs. Kim Mentzell is the grade 3-5 Reading Specialist at St. Mary CAtholic School. She also teaches Math and grades K-4 art. She created this teaching glog on the book Riding Freedom by Pam Munoz Ryan that she uses with her fourth graders. By creating the glog, she can show it on her SMART board and will now have access to two quizzes, chapter questions, a book trailer, and interview with the author literally at her fingertips! She is anxious to create glogs for each of her books that she teaches from. She said it was easy way to keep organized plus it added interactivity to the lessons.
To see the full size glog click on the following link:

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