Monday, March 26, 2012

Animoto and Screencasting

Today I was scheduled to have my "formal observation" during second period computer class with half of the fifth grade class. Of course I chose the best, most well-behaved students for this observation. I also chose this class because of the new Animoto project I had just introduced last week. I began last weeks class with this short video about Animoto.
We discussed web 2.0 and how it differs from web 1.0. I then showed them several Animoto videos I have created to show them the different background choices, the different music available, the use of photographs and clip art, and text that can be inserted. Together, we navigated our way around the website so that they would be a little familiar with where tools were located and how to create the video.

Today, we reviewed the differences between web 1.0 and web 2.0. I then I quickly transitioned into their first Animoto project which was to create their own video using photographs that were taken at Fairview Outdoor School just last week. The director sent them home with sixteen PowerPoint presentations that I saved onto 16 CD's. I modeled how to upload the photo's on the PowerPoint presentations to the student's desktop. The class then reviewed the process by verbally retelling me each step to complete the process. I distributed the CD's to eleven students. It was time to get to work!
Then, in walked to additional student's who were no supposed to be there due to making up testing that our school had last week. GRRRRRR! This would have been the perfect time to have had a screencast on the whole uploading photo's process. These two student's could have sat t their computers and watched the screen cast and I could have continued to help the other eleven students with their Animoto project.

They student's finished out the rest of the class choosing which photo's they wanted to use and uploaded those to their desktop. Meanwhile, I was demonstrating the procedure for the second time to the two late arrivals.

Oh, and by the way. My principal never showed up for my observation! She was mistaken and thought it was for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 27th. Good for me that I have the other half of the fifth grade class tomorrow who will also be doing the same Animoto project.

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