Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Advanced Blogging
Tonight our instructor went over embedding, what makes a good blog site, and what makes a good blog post.
Click here for example of my Glog!

Phase Four of ADDIE: Evaluation

During the evaluation phase, trainers can measure how well a project achieved its goals by administering a short survey. A pre-test and post-test can measure how well the learning objectives were met. In a classroom setting, assessments are given regularly to evaluate the students' understanding of the content.
However, in the workplace it takes more time to measure changes such as workplace behaviors and improved business goals. In the workforce, you want to measure long-term improvements rather than the immediate results.
Effective training helps employees to make long term changes in their work environment. Similarly, a great educator will instruct their students and the the students will retain the information or activity. A great teacher does not teach students information just to remember it for the upcoming test. Students who retain information are able to use that information over and over, and make connections with that information to analyze and collaborate with others. Just like in the workforce, teachers want their students to build on their knowledge from previous years and add to that foundation in order to have lasting information that can be used indefinitely.

Monday, February 6, 2012



According to Chuck Castagnolo the ADDIE model is basically a generic, systematic, step-by-step framework used by instructional designers, developers and trainers to ensure course development and learning does not occur in a haphazard, unstructured way. It is designed to ensure: (1) learners will achieve the goals of the course, (2) allows for the evaluation of learner's needs, (3) the design and development of training materials, and (4) evaluation of effectiveness of the training program using processes with specific, measurable outcomes.

When asked which stops of ADDIE do I do well  in my role as an educator or on projects I have assigned, I would reply the design and development phase, without any hesitation. I especially like the development phase.

In the Design phase, I enjoy  figuring out specifics about the different elements of the project or instruction. After determining which class or age group I will be working with, I like to decide which resources and materials will be used to enhance the instruction and meet the objectives for the lesson.

In the Development phase, I especially like making the decisions of how to do the project. When given the lesson objective or outcome, it is a challenge for me to find a web 2.0 tool, website, or program that will meet the lesson objective and also provide meaningful instruction on the computer.Determining the sequence of the lesson- what I will demonstrate on day one and what the students will accomplish, deciding how many class periods it will take me to complete the lesson, what technology tools I will use, etc. gets me excited about the class project.

I would have to say that the Evaluation phase is probably the area that I need the most improvement on. Most times, the final outcome of the project- the finished Glogster, the brochure, the Wordle, are used to assess the project. However, in reality there are many more skills that are demonstrated and accomplished that could be assessed, before getting to the end product. Unfortunately, time constraints limit my time I can spend on one project so the assessment part of the projects get shortened.

